CryoEM - Vitrobot

The Thermo Fisher Scientific Vitrobot Mark IV is a cutting-edge automated vitrification unit. This sophisticated tool revolutionizes cryo-electron microscopy sample preparation, offering precise and efficient vitrification for exceptional results. With its user-friendly interface and top-notch features, the Vitrobot simplifies the process of plunge-freezing and empowers researchers in the field of structural biology.

Automatic plunge freezer (Vitrobot)

Company: Thermofisher
Model: Vitrobot Mark IV

The Vitrobot is an automated vitrification device for plunge-freezing of aqueous suspensions. A controlled environment prevents artefacts. Grids transfer from the vitrification medium into liquid nitrogen is automatic, ensuring reproducible sample freezing and high sample throughput.

The benefits of this system are as follows:

  • Semi-automated method for preparing cryo-EM samples quickly and easily;
  • Consistent physical and mechanical conditions during cryo-fixation, including temperature, humidity, blotting, and freezing speed;
  • Excellent cryo-fixation results;
  • Efficient sample preparation before observing them with cryo-EM.

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The system is a valuable tool for researchers who require high-quality cryo-EM samples for their experiments. The system's ability to maintain consistent physical and mechanical conditions during cryo-fixation ensures that the samples are of high quality and can be efficiently prepared for observation with cryo-EM.