Vicente Lab - Applied Protein Biochemistry Group

The Applied Protein Biochemistry Group addresses problems and pathologies regarding human metabolism (namely, the hydrogen sulfide metabolism) and works on therapeutic proteins against SARS-CoV-2 and similar viruses, or other biomedical applications. Their core scientific and methodological approaches combine protein biochemistry, biophysics and structural biology, benefiting from its integration in the Macromolecular Crystallography Unit. The lab's acquired knowledge is continuously shared within a network of collaborators and aims to enable the development of innovative diagnostics and therapeutic tools for different human diseases.



João Vicente leads the Applied Protein Biochemistry Group (lab page available soon), integrated into the Biological Chemistry Division. João earned his European Label PhD in Biochemistry from NOVA University of Lisbon (Portugal) and Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) in 2007. After a post-doc at Stanford University (USA) and ITQB NOVA, and a researcher position at the School of Pharmacy of the Lisbon University, he became an Auxiliary Investigator at the Macromolecular Crystallography Unit at ITQB NOVA.

João B. Vicente, PhD, Auxiliary Investigator ORCID ID

Team members

Carlota Conceição, PhD, Researcher
Dalila Fernandes, PhD Student (joint supervision with S. A. Pereira, NOVA Medical School and P. Matias, ITQB NOVA)

Ana Carolina Buga, PhD Student (joint supervision with D. Lousa, ITQB NOVA and S. Veiga, iMM)

Susana Parreiras, MSc PhD Student (joint supervision with J. Serpa, IPOLFG|NMS and D. Lousa, ITQB NOVA)

Érica Santos, MSc Student (joint supervision with R. Oliveira, NMS)

André Bagão, MSc Student (joint supervision with D. Lousa, ITQB NOVA)

Madalena Marques, MSc, Researcher (joint supervision with D. Lousa, ITQB NOVA)

Mariana Parada, MSc, Researcher (joint supervision with I. Abreu, ITQB NOVA)

Diogo Silva, MSc, Researcher (joint supervision with D. Lousa, ITQB NOVA)

External Team members

Catarina Madeira, PhD Student (joint supervision with P. Leandro, University of Lisbon School of Pharmacy)
Tiago Paiva, PhD Student (joint supervision with D. Toubarro and D. Mendonça, Azores University)


External Collaborations

Alessandro Giuffrè, CNR Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology, Rome, Italy

Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon

CEDOC, NOVA Medical School

Instituto Português de Oncologia