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15th CERMAX practical course on basic NMR

The annual course comes back for its fifteenth edition, in 2022. Applications are open until 24th of June.

The 15th edition of the Basic course on NMR spectroscopy will take place from the 4th to the 8th of July.

This is a four and a half day course with theoretical and practical sessions covering basic aspects of the technique and oriented towards both beginners and routine NMR users.

It will cover basic theoretical aspects of NMR; an introduction to the most commonly used 1D and 2D homonuclear and heteronuclear techniques; and data acquisition and processing with a “hands-on” approach.

The course is open and free of charge for NMR network members, however the practical sessions are restricted to 12 students. To apply to this course please send an email to stating your interest/reasons to attend until the 24th of June.





4th of July:

14.00 – Introduction to NMR spectroscopy. (PL - Room 3.20)

15.30 – Break

15.50 – Instrumental aspects of the spectrometer /Rules for spectrometer use. (HM - Room 3.20)

16.30 – Spectrometer Guided tour and sample preparation. (HM - NMR Lab)


5th of July

9.30 – 1D Acquisition and processing. (PL - Room 3.20)

10.15–  Introduction to 2D NMR spectroscopy. (Homonuclear correlation). (PL - Room 3.20)

11.00 – Break

11.30 – The Nuclear Overhauser Effect. (ROL  - Room 3.20)

12.30 – Lunch break

14.00 – Heteronuclear correlation for small molecule. (PL  -Room 3.20)

15.00 – Protein assignment and structure. (PL - Room 3.20)


6th of July

9.30 – The paramagnetic effect and metalloproteins. (ROL - Room 3.20)

10.15 – Residual Dipolar Couplings and disordered proteins. (TC - Room 3.20)

11.00 – Break

11.15 – Practical session I (PL, HM, LG, TC - NMR Spect and WS)

Acquisition (1D, presat, p90, APT)

Processing and analyzing 1D

13.30 – Lunch break

14.30 – Practical sessions I (cont). (PL, HM, LG, TC)


7th of July

9.30 – NMR and Metabolomics/ Quantitative NMR. (LG - Room 3.20)

11.00 – Break

11.15 – Practical session II (PL, HM, LG, TC)

Acquisition (COSY, HSQC)

Processing and analyzing 2D (NMR Spect and WS)

13.30 – Lunch break

14.30 – Practical sessions II (cont). (PL, HM, LG, TC)


8th of July

9.30 – Assignment strategies in small molecules (tutorial and exercises). (PL - Room 3.20)

10.45 – Break

11.15 – Assignment strategies (cont). (PL  - Room 3.20)

13.00 – Lunch break

14.00 – Practical session III (PL, HM)

Acquisition exercises (NMR Spect and WS)



Luís Gafeira (LG)

Helena Matias (HM)

Pedro Lamosa (PL)

Ricardo Louro (ROL)

Tiago Cordeiro (TC)


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