Oeiras, 22 November 2023
The daily programme "
90 Segundos de Ciência" won the podcast PODES 2023 award in the "Radio" category. The programme celebrates its
7th anniversary today,
showcasing portuguese science on the radio every weekday
since 2016. “After 1,600 programmes, it is an honour to celebrate our anniversary with this award”, says Ana Sanchez, co-coordinator of 90 segundos and of the Master in Science Communication and Vice-Dean of ITQB NOVA.
The show was born from the
masters programme, run by
ITQB NOVA and Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas (
NOVA FCSH). It airs in
Antena 1, and is funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (
FCT). "It is incredible to remember it all started with a discussion in class with the master students", adds António Granado from FCSH, also co-coordinator of the programme and the Master.
PODES 2023 Award was the last in a series of prizes over the years. To Adriano Cerqueira, journalist and Producer for "90 Segundos de Ciência", "this award is really for the researchers who have been sharing their work with us over the years, allowing us to show the diversity of Portuguese science". The radio programme had already been awarded the
Prémio Acesso Cultura, in 2018, the
Gulbenkian Knowledge Award, in 2019, and an honorable mention at the Prémio Nacional de Jornalismo de Inovação.
PODES, the first and only podcast festival in Portugal, celebrates Portuguese podcasts and their creators, with live sessions, training, discussions and prizes. This year’s edition brought 13 categories to competition, with 5 nominees each, in addition to the Audience Award and Podcast of the Year. The winners of the festival's fifth edition were announced on 18 November at the awards ceremony at ISEG, in Lisbon.
The programme airs from Monday to Friday in Antena 1, and is then made available on the dedicated website, as well as on the radio's page. The episodes, which now number over 1,661, are also posted daily on the program's social media accounts.