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Frontiers in Chemical Biology

Symposium on collaborative research between INTERBIO partners

Oeiras, 06.04.10

On April 12, ITQB welcomes researchers from the Institute Européen de Chimie et Biologie (Bordeaux) for a one day Symposium on collaborative research under the framework of INTERBIO. The symposium, entitled Frontiers in Chemical Biology, is open to all researchers interested in these topics.

Interbio is a consortium of research institutions from Southwest Europe, joint financed by the INTERREG IVB South west Europe transnational cooperation program 2007-2013, Priority 1: "The promotion of innovation and the setting up of long lasting cooperative networks in the technology field". The consortium’s main objective is to develop interdisciplinary research in the interface between chemistry and life/health sciences following three main axes; promote interdisciplinary research collaborations, gather expertise and optimize access to technological platforms, and support technology transfer and social utilization of knowledge, namely through SMEs.

Frontiers in Chemical Biology

Towards transnational interdisciplinary research in south west Europe (SUDOE)

Scientific Program:

9h00 – 12h30 (Auditorium) 

  • ITQB: an overview, José AM Simões (Director, ITQB)
  • IECB: an overview, Jean J Toulmé (Director, IECB)
  • Molecular Modelling at IECB, Michel Laguerre (IECB)
  • Biomolecular Modelling at ITQB, Cláudio Soares (ITQB)
  • Specific ion effects on surfactants/lipids self-assemblies, Reiko Oda (IECB)
  • Redox proteins in biomimetic constructs: mimicking basic features of physiological membranes and interfaces, Smilja Todorovic (ITQB)

Coffee Break (10h30- 11h00) 

  • Pancreatic beta cells – riddles of a sensor and secretor - and some solutions, Jochen Lang (IECB)
  • Glycosylation/glycosyltransferases of neuronal tissue, Júlia Costa (ITQB)
  • Protein domains in mRNA processing, Cameron Mackereth (IECB)
  • Salty Science, Luís P N Rebelo (ITQB)
  • Aromatic foldamers as mimics of biomolecular folding, Ivan Huc (IECB)
  • Recognition of Anions by Polyaza Cryptand Receptors, Rita Delgado (ITQB)

14h30 – 15h30 (Room 2.13)

  • Quantitative Analysis of Post-transcriptional Regulation in vivo in C. elegans, Denis Dupuy (IECB)
  • Modelomics: integrative approaches to multi-scale regulatory networks, Andreas Bohn (ITQB)
  • Designed Peptidomimetic Architectures, Gilles Guichard (IECB)
  • Peptide-based scaffolds: versatile ligands for metal coordination, Olga Iranzo (ITQB)
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