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Hidrogenases research discussed in Lisbon

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12th International Hydrogenase Conference organized by ITQB NOVA researchers happening in NOVA

Oeiras, 1.04.2019

The 12th International Hydrogenase Conference is taking place in Lisbon, at the Rectorate of the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, until the 4th April of 2019. Conference chairs Inês Cardoso Pereira (ITQB NOVA, Portugal) and Antonio López de Lacey (Institute of Catalysis, CSIC Madrid) are hosting the meeting that also covers other redox biocatalysts for energy convertion.

The meeting is an opportunity to discuss the most recent advances on all fronts of fundamental and applied research on hydrogenases, ranging from microbiology to chemical synthesis of biomimetic compounds. Additionally, research on related redox (bio)catalysts for energy conversion, such as nitrogenases and formate dehydrogenases, will be included within the scope of the conference. The organizing committee, with the aid of the scientific committee, has invited six plenary and six keynote lecturers as the basis of an exciting scientific program. 


More information: conference website

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