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Inês Cardoso Pereira elected for the EAM

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ITQB NOVA’s PI is recognised for her work in microbiology by one of the most prestigious European institutions in this area

The Vice Dean of ITQB NOVA and head of the Bacterial Energy Metabolism laboratory, Inês Cardoso Pereira, has just been elected to the European Academy of Microbiology (EAM). The EAM was established in 2009, by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS), with the goal of promoting and recognizing excellence in microbiology across Europe. It gathers over 160 microbiologists who are leaders in their fields, representing over 26 countries. New members are elected through a highly selective, peer-reviewed process, based on their records of scientific achievement and original contributions to the advancement of microbiology.

“The election of Inês Cardoso Pereira is a recognition by her peers of her excellent work in the field of anaerobic microbiology”, says Cláudio M. Soares, Dean of the institution.  “We are very proud that ITQB NOVA has now three members on this small group of top microbiologists in Europe, following the elections of Cecília Arraiano and Mariana Pinho. This election is also another recognition of the high level science done at the MOSTMICRO ITQB research unit and at ITQB NOVA at large.”

Inês Cardoso Pereira holds a degree in Applied Chemistry from the FCT NOVA. She has a PhD from Oxford University, where she worked in the team led by Jack Baldwin on the biosynthesis of antibiotics. She returned to Portugal to join ITQB NOVA as a post-doc in the team of the Institute's founder, António Xavier, and of Miguel Teixeira, and went on to lead her own group at this institute. She was Head of the Biological Chemistry Division from 2011 to 2013 and coordinated ITQB NOVA's PhD programme from 2008 to 2014, when she became Vice Dean of the institute. Inês Cardoso Pereira is also the Head of LS4Future, one of the largest Associated Laboratories in Life Sciences in Portugal.

The election to the EAM comes shortly after her election to the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) in 2021. Her membership of both institutions is a recognition of the important work by her lab on the bioenergetics of a key group of environmental bacteria and on redox biocatalysis. "The EAM gathers many scientists that are a reference in my field. I am overjoyed to join them, and contribute to the Academy. It’s an honor to be elected! ”, says Inês Cardoso Pereira.  “I also thank all my students and collaborators, who played an essential role in the work that is now recognized.”

The EAM aims to be the authoritative voice of microbiology in Europe and promote the potential of microbiology and microbiologists in the continent and throughout the world. The Academy also intends to be an advisory source for governmental and other decision-making bodies.

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