INTERBIO Summer School starts
Oeiras, 22.09.11
The international Interbio Summer School on Structural Biology ‘NMR applications in Protein Research' starts today. For 2 weeks, fourteen participants within INTERBIO, a scientific network from Southwest Europe, will have the opportunity to focus on topics such as protein dynamics, protein-protein, protein-drug interactions and biomolecular Solid State NMR.
This Summer school contains three modules with classes taking place both at ITQB and at IGC. The first module consists of practical sessions on the study of protein dynamics, protein-drug and protein-protein interactions and counts with the participation of INTERBIO researchers. It will be followed by tutorials on the use of CCPN suite and its applications to Solid state NMR. The summer school concludes with a 3-days symposium covering a wide spectrum of biomolecular NMR application and cutting edge research in the field. These last two modules will also be part of the 3rd EU/CCPN Conference.
Interbio is a consortium of research institutions from Southwest Europe, jointly financed by the INTERREG IVB Sudoe transnational cooperation program 2007-2013, Priority 1: "The promotion of innovation and the setting up of long lasting cooperative networks in the technology field". The consortium’s main objective is to develop interdisciplinary research in the interface between chemistry and life/health sciences following three main axes; promote interdisciplinary research collaborations, gather expertise and optimize access to technological platforms, and support technology transfer and social utilization of knowledge, namely through SMEs.The consortium inlcudes research institutions from Toulouse, Bordeaux, Valencia, Barcelona, and Lisbon.