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ITQB PhD Students' Meeting

Two-day gathering of PhD students starts tomorrow

Oeiras, 20.10.10

The 1st ITQB PhD Students' Meeting starts tomorrow.

Organized by the students, the meeting is thought of as an opportunity for ITQB PhD students to present and discuss their work both with each other and with established scientists, both from within and outside ITQB.

The meeting includes three keynote lectures in three different scientific areas: Mariana Sottomayor (IBMC) will talk about vacuoles, alkaloids and peroxidases in plants, Nuno Santos (IMM) will discuss protein-membrane interactions as theurapeutic targets, and Hilal A. Lashuel (EPFL, Switzerland) will discuss challenges and opportunities in neurodegenaration.

Ending the meeting, ITQB alumni participate in a round table to discuss career options with current ITQB PhD students.

Keynote speakers

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