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Mostmicro news

Nuno Maulide elected Scientist of the year in Austria
ITQB NOVA-invited professor was distinguished by the Austrian Club of Education and Science Journalists
Bacteria do it differently
New paper describes the function of a widespread bacterial redox module
Synthetic biology for a sustainable industry
8 million euros for EU project ShikiFactory100
What's in store for RNA and species communication?
Cecília Arraiano shares a vision for the future in the field
Training course on the Chemistry of Metals in Biological Systems
Registrations are open until January 31st 2019
PhD Fellowships for PTNMR PhD Program
Call for applications at the Doctoral Programme in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Applied to Chemistry, Materials and Biosciences
Miguel Teixeira nominated as F1000 Faculty Member
ITQB NOVA researcher is now part of the Bioinorganic Chemistry reviewers
Biorefineries for the XXI century
New EU project on bacterial enzymes and bioprocesses for lignin valorisation
In Nature nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed
Use of pesticides can increase pathogenicity of soil fungi
ITQB NOVA celebrates science and technology week
Joining scientists and society since 2005
Scientists meaning business
New course to promote entrepreneurship in scientists, partnership ITQB NOVA and NOVA SBE
Catarina Veríssimo Esteves recipient of the Metrohm Young Chemist Award 2018
ITQB NOVA researcher was distinguished with 1st prize Young Chemist Award 2018
Let there be light
Starts today the twinning project "Twin to Illuminate Metals in Biology and Biocatalysis through Biospectroscopy”
Mariana Gomes de Pinho and team recipients of 2018 Pfizer Award
Annual Pfizer Awards distinguish works in Basic Research and Clinical Research
Taking drugs where they are needed
New paper on the interface between chemistry, biophysics and molecular simulation
Understanding the enemy
Structure of cancer related protein was described by ITQB NOVA researchers
Celebrating International Microorganism Day
Hands on activities and talks by ITQB NOVA researchers
Inês Trindade awarded Best Oral Presentation
Research developed at Ricardo Louro Lab was distinguished at 14th European Biological Inorganic Chemistry Conference
Unique and environmental friendly catalysis
ITQB NOVA chemistry research on the frontcover of ChemCatChem
2019 Edition PhD Program - Biology at the Host Microbe Interface
Call for applications is open until October, 2018
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