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Mostmicro news

Surviving on air
Enzyme that enables anaerobic pathogen Clostridium difficile to tolerate oxygen was now described
How do bacteria know they have had enough?
Mechanism of crosstalk between systems for haem biosynthesis and external capture in pathogens published today
Going to Mars without leaving the Earth
Talks on Mars 2030 between researchers from ITQB NOVA and IA at Centro Cultural de Belém
1 million euros to study Metals in Biology and Biocatalysis through Biospectroscopy
New Twinning project joins ITQB NOVA with Universities in Berlin and Florence
António Xavier Prize 2018 - call for applications
Award for best PhD Thesis conducted in Portugal in the area of NMR, EPR or MRI
Summer Science @ ITQB NOVA 23-27th July
Applications open for the 3rd ITQB NOVA Summer School
Chemistry for a sustainable planet
New manganese catalysts to reduce CO2
Welcome INTERFACE 2018 Students
Opening session marks the start of Biology at the Host Microbe Interface PhD Program
Advanced Integrated Microsystems PhD Programme 2018
Call for applications is now open
How bacteria divide
Mariana Pinho Lab research published today in Nature
Put the blame on BolA
ITQB NOVA researchers unveil a new factor involved in Salmonella virulence
Saúl Silva awarded with Best PhD Thesis in Organic Chemistry 2017
ITQB NOVA PhD thesis presented in October 2017
ITQB NOVA opens the labs
Open Labs is targeted to university students wishing to explore research opportunities
Call open for Sustainable Chemistry PhD Program 2018
Applications for doctoral fellowships accepted till January 15th
Reducing “noise” in gene expression
New system for producing proteins in bacteria
PhD Fellowships for PTNMR PhD Program
Call for applications at the Doctoral Programme in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Applied to Chemistry, Materials and Biosciences
MolBioS PhD Program 2018: day 1
PhD Program officially starts on January 5
New tools for drug design
K4DD project results published today in Nature Communications
Summer Science @ITQB NOVA project selected for Microbiotech17
João Zagalo presented his ITQB NOVA Summer Course work at 7th Congress of Microbiology and Technology
Last lesson of Professor Hermínia de Lencastre
Academic jubilation ceremony today 11 December, 5pm, ITQB NOVA auditorium
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