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Mostmicro news

Mariana Gomes de Pinho is new ERC Awardee
Research project focus on re-sensitizing drug resistant bacteria
New PhD Program - Biology at the Host Microbe Interface
Call for applications is open until January 3, 2018
One year of Portuguese science on the radio
"90 segundos de ciência" daily program will continue for another year
ITQB NOVA celebrates science and technology week
Bringing together scientists and society since 2005
Job fair brings together researchers, companies and science minister
Career Opportunities for PostDoctoral Researchers in Life Sciences, 23-24 Nov, Cascais
Last lesson of Professor Hermínia de Lencastre
Academic jubilation ceremony on 11 December, 5pm, ITQB NOVA auditorium
8th ITQB-NOVA PhD Students' Meeting
PhD Students discuss their work from 15 to 17 November
André Santos was awarded SPB Young Investigator Award
Award recognizes work in high impact publications by Portuguese young biochemists
MolBioS PhD Program 2018
Call for applications is now open
ITQB NOVA research on the spotlight
Lígia Martins Lab’s work distinguished by the American Chemical Society
A night to celebrate Science around the country
On 29th September go meet a scientist
Crosstalking molecules
ITQB NOVA researchers shed light on the formation of bacterial biofilms
Best ITQB NOVA PhD Thesis 2016
Awarded to Luís Carlos Santos Filipe
António Xavier Prize 2017
Lifetime Award attributed to Professor Carlos Geraldes
ITQB NOVA Day 2017
Celebrating 24 years of ITQB NOVA in Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Career Opportunities for PostDoctoral Researchers in Life Sciences
Symposium and Job Fair organized by PostDocs
Master in Medical Microbiology 2017/19
Call for applications is open till August 21
10th CERMAX practical course on NMR spectroscopy
Registrations are now open
Master in Science Communication
Applications are now open
The emergence of antibiotic resistance
ITQB NOVA researchers have shown how antibiotic resistance emerged from an harmless gene in bacteria
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