NOVA University Lisbon mourns its Founding Rector
It was with great sadness and consternation that NOVA University Lisbon received, this Saturday, the news of the passing of João Fraústo da Silva, Rector and founder of NOVA.
"The mission of NOVA is greatly owed to the vision of João Fraústo da Silva, who contributed decisively, since its foundation, for the University to invest in innovation and to open to society, seeking to serve it through knowledge. João Fraústo da Silva will be forever associated to the values of the institution he founded", says João Sàágua, Rector of NOVA. ITQB NOVA Director Cláudio M. Soares complements: "Professor João Fraústo da Silva was a reference in the area of Bioinorganic Chemistry research, being one of its driving forces in Portugal, giving birth to a school of training and research with great impact in NOVA in general and in ITQB NOVA in particular".
First rector of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (1973-1975), whose largest residence hall bears his name, João Fraústo da Silva was Minister of Education in the VIII Constitutional Government, President of the Instituto Nacional de Administração and President of the Fundação das Descobertas/Centro Cultural de Belém.
Among the various decorations received, he was awarded the Senate Medal of NOVA University Lisbon in 1999 and the title of Doctor Honoris Causa in 2001.
To his family and friends, the NOVA University Lisbon extends its deepest condolences.