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Nuno Maulide receives ERC Advanced Grant

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After a Starting Grant, a Consolidator Grant and two Proof of Concept Grants, the researcher secures its 5th ERC Grant.

Oeiras, 11 April 2024

Nuno Maulide, an Invited Professor at ITQB NOVA, and also Full Professor of Organic Synthesis at University of Vienna and an Adjunct PI at CeMM, was awarded an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). The chemist is one of 255 researchers to receive a 3M€ grant in this call, for the project "C-HANCE".

With "C-HANCE", Nuno Maulide and his team will explore the reactivity of positively charged carbon atoms. Under special conditions, they reveal surprising chemical behaviour through distant communication between carbon atoms. The project aims to revolutionize this research area by developing methods to selectively break and replace normally unreactive C-H bonds, leading to new chemical reactivities and structures under precisely controlled conditions.

This is Nuno Maulide's fifth ERC Grant, making him one of the very few researchers to have obtained all the individual ERC Grants. The grant once again recognizes the researcher's exceptional track-record of significant research achievementsThe invited professor had already been awarded an ERC Starting Grant in 2011, a Consolidator Grant in 2016 and two Proof of Concept Grants in 2018 and 2023. "This grant is an incredible recognition of the originality and significance of this project, but also to the tenacity and boldness of my coworkers, who deserve a special mention. I am honored by this distinction and look forward to the opportunity to further develop these unusual reactions", said Nuno Maulide.

About Nuno Maulide

Nuno Maulide's research has mostly focused on unusual or "unconventional" reactivity profiles of organic compounds. He has taken particular interest in high-energy reactive intermediates that can be generated under mild conditions and subsequently engaged in useful transformations. His broad research encompasses the invention of numerous chemical reactions that can be used to make the molecules on which modern society relies in more efficient and sustainable ways.

Nuno Maulide is Full Professor of Organic Synthesis at University of Vienna (Austria) since 2013 and is Invited Professor at ITQB NOVA since 2018.


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