Two António Xavier prizes in 2014
The Prémio António Xavier 2014 has been awarded ex-aequo to Gonçalo Miguel Gomes Graça from Universidade de Aveiro and Inês Nunes de Sousa from Universidade de Lisboa. The award ceremony will take place tomorrow during the celebration of the ITQB Day.
The prize was instituted by Bruker to acknowledge the tireless commitment of Professor António Xavier, founder of ITQB, to Portuguese scientific development. In 2014, the jury, headed by Prof. Helena Santos, had to select the best PhD Thesis among those published in 2013, reporting research work conducted in Portugal, in the area of NMR, EPR or MRI.
The awarded theses, in the areas of of Metabolic NMR and MRI, are entitled “Metabonomics of human amniotic fluid for prenatal diagnostics”, by Gonçalo Graça, and “Development of Quantitative Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Methodological Approaches”, by Inês Sousa.