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TIMB3 Workshop Imaging in Biosciences

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Workshop takes place on February 7 2022 at ITQB NOVA Auditorium

On February 7, 2022 the ITQB NOVA Oeiras hosts the workshop ”Imaging in Biosciences”. The workshop is part of the TIMB3 Twinning project, and will gather experts from Institutions such as the CNRS-University of Bordeaux, University of Exeter, Champalimaud Research, Center for Cooperative Research in Biomaterials -CIC biomaGUNE, Instituto de Medidcina Molecular - iMM and University of Innsbruck.


The coupling of spatial/temporal resolution of an image with the chemical information derived from spectroscopy, ensures unprecedented details on tissues, single cells, organelles and specific biomolecules. The workshop offers experts´ view on state of the art imaging techniques that include AFM, X-ray fluorescence, Raman, Infrared, Surface Enhanced Raman and Magnetic Resonance.



Registration is free and is open until the 17th of January 2022.

To consult the programme and for registration, click here.

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