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  • "Endo-beta-D-1,4-mannanase from Chrysonilia sitophila displays a novel loop arrangement for substrate selectivity", A.M. Gonçalves, C.S. Silva, T.I. Madeira, R. Coelho, D. de Sanctis, M.V. San Romão and I. Bento, (2012), Acta Cryst. D68, 1468-78.


  •  "Missing pieces in protein deposition and mobilization inside legume seed storage vacuoles: calcium and magnesium ions", C.N. Santos, M.M. Alves, I. Bento and Ricardo B. Ferreira, Seed Science Research (2012), 22 (04): 249 - 258


  • “Generation of Carbon Monoxide Releasing Molecules (CO-RMs) as Drug Candidates for the Treatment of Acute Liver Injury: Targeting of CO-RMs to the Liver”, A.R. Marques, L. Kromer, D.J. Gallo, N. Penacho, S.S. Rodrigues, J.D. Seixas, G.J.L. Bernardes, P.M. Reis, S.L. Otterbein, R.A. Ruggieri, A.S.G. Gonçalves, A.M.L. Gonçalves, M.N. De Matos, I. Bento, L.E. Otterbein, W.A. Blättler, and C.C. Romão, , Organometallics (2012), 31 (16): 5810–5822.
  • The role of Asp116 in the reductive cleavage of dioxygen to water in CotA laccase: assistance during the proton-transfer mechanism. Silva CS, Damas JM, Chen Z, Brissos V, Martins LO, Soares CM, Lindley PF, Bento I Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 2012 Feb;68(Pt 2):186-93. Epub 2012 Jan 17.


  • Crystal structure of the multicopper oxidase from the pathogenic bacterium Campylobacter jejuni CGUG11284: characterization of a metallo-oxidase. Silva CS, Durão P, Fillat A, Lindley PF, Martins LO, Bento I. Metallomics. 2012 Jan;4(1):37-47



  • The removal of a disulfide bridge in CotA-laccase changes the slower motion dynamics involved in copper binding but has no effect on the thermodynamic stability, Fernandes AT, Pereira MM, Silva CS, Lindley PF, Bento I, Melo EP, Martins LO.  2011, J Biol Inorg Chem. Apr;16(4):641-51.
  • Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of the azoreductase PpAzoR from Pseudomonas putida MET94. Correia B, Chen Z, Mendes S, Martins LO, Bento I, Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun. 2011 Jan 1;67(Pt1):121-3.


Book Chapters

  •  I. Bento, R.O. Louro, C.M. Soares, M.A. Carrondo, “Tetraheme Cytochrome c3”, in Handbook of Metalloproteins (2011), Vol 4 & 5, Ed. A. Messerschmidt, Chichester,
    UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., pp 5-15.



  •  New evidence for the role of calcium in the glycosidase reaction of GH43 arabinanases., de Sanctis D, Inácio JM, Lindley PF, De Sá-Nogueira I, Bento I., FEBS
    2010 Sep 10. doi: 10.1111/j.1742-4658.2010.07870.x
  •  Mechanisms underlying dioxygen reduction in laccases. Structural and modelling studies focusing on proton transfer. Bento I, Silva CS, Chen Z, Martins LO, Lindley PF, Soares CM. BMC Struct Biol 2010 Sep 7;10:28.PMID: 20822511.
  • 19- The role of Glu498 in the dioxygen reactivity of CotA-laccase from Bacillus subtilis. Chen Z, Durão P, Silva CS, Pereira MM, Todorovic S, Hildebrandt P, Bento I,
    Lindley PF, Martins LO. Dalton Trans. 2010 Mar 21;39(11):2875-82.



  • Overproduction, crystallization and preliminary X-ray characterization of Abn2, an endo-1,5-alpha-arabinanase from Bacillus subtilis. de Sanctis D, Bento I, Inácio JM,
    Custódio S, de Sá-Nogueira I, Carrondo MA. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun. 2008 Jul 1;64(Pt 7):636-8.
  •  Proximal mutations at the type 1 copper site of CotA laccase: spectroscopic, redox, kinetic and structural characterization of I494A and L386A mutants. Durão P, Chen Z, Silva CS, Soares CM, Pereira MM, Todorovic S, Hildebrandt P, Bento I, Lindley PF, Martins LO. Biochem J. 2008 Jun 1;412(2):339-46.


Book Chapters

  •  G. Leonard, D. Nurizzo, C. Dieckmann-Mueller, E. Mitchell, J. McCarthy, D. Flot, I. Bento and P. Lindley, "Crystallographic Research Developments" in Astrophysics and Condensed Matter – Horizons in World Physics, (2008) Ed. T.G. Hardwell, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Vol. 262, pp 11-69.



  • Crystallographic evidence for dioxygen interactions with iron proteins. Carrondo MA, Bento I, Matias PM, Lindley PF. J Biol Inorg Chem. 2007 May;12(4):429-42.
  •  Ceruloplasmin revisited: structural and functional roles of various metal cationbinding sites. Bento I, Peixoto C, Zaitsev VN, Lindley PF. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 2007 Feb;63(Pt 2):240-8.


  • Synthesis and structural characterization of 1- and 2-substituted indazoles: ester and carboxylic acid derivatives. Teixeira FC, Ramos H, Antunes IF, Curto MJ, Duarte MT, Bento I. Molecules. 2006 Nov 14;11(11):867-89.
  • Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray study of the fungal laccase from Cerrena maxima. Lyashenko AV, Zhukhlistova NE, Gabdoulkhakov AG, Zhukova YN,
    Voelter W, Zaitsev VN, Bento I, Stepanova EV, Kachalova GS, Koroleva OV, Cherkashyn EA, Tishkov VI, Lamzin VS, Schirwitz K, Morgunova EY, Betzel C, Lindley PF, Mikhailov AM. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun.
    2006 Oct 1;62(Pt 10):954-7.
  •  X-ray structural studies of the fungal laccase from Cerrena maxima. Lyashenko AV, Bento I, Zaitsev VN, Zhukhlistova NE, Zhukova YN, Gabdoulkhakov AG, Morgunova
    EY, Voelter W, Kachalova GS, Stepanova EV, Koroleva OV, Lamzin VS, Tishkov VI, Betzel C, Lindley PF, Mikhailov AM. J Biol Inorg Chem. 2006 Nov;11(8):963-73.
  • Reduction of dioxygen by enzymes containing copper. Bento I, Carrondo MA, Lindley PF. J Biol Inorg Chem. 2006 Jul;11(5):539-47.
  •  Condensed phase behaviour of ionic liquid-benzene mixtures: congruent melting of a [emim][NTf2].C6H6 inclusion crystal. Lachwa J, Bento I, Duarte MT, Lopes JN,
    Rebelo LP. Chem Commun (Camb). 2006 Jun 21;(23):2445-7.
  • Perturbations of the T1 copper site in the CotA laccase from Bacillus subtilis:structural, biochemical, enzymatic and stability studies. Durão P, Bento I, Fernandes AT, Melo EP, Lindley PF, Martins LO. J Biol Inorg Chem. 2006 Jun;11(4):514-26.


  • Dioxygen reduction by multi-copper oxidases; a structural perspective. Bento I, Martins LO, Gato Lopes G, Arménia Carrondo M, Lindley PF. Dalton Trans. 2005 Nov 7;(21):3507-13.



  •  Molecular basis for redox-Bohr and cooperative effects in cytochrome c3 from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774: crystallographic and modeling studies of oxidized and reduced high-resolution structures at pH 7.6. Bento I, Matias PM, Baptista AM, da Costa PN, van Dongen WM, Saraiva LM, Schneider TR, Soares CM, Carrondo MA. Proteins. 2004 Jan 1;54(1):135-52.




  • Redox-Bohr and other cooperativity effects in the nine-heme cytochrome C from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774: crystallographic and modeling studies. Bento I, Teixeira VH, Baptista AM, Soares CM, Matias PM, Carrondo MA. J Biol Chem. 2003 Sep 19;278(38):36455-69.



  • Conformational component in the coupled transfer of multiple electrons and protons in a monomeric tetraheme cytochrome. Louro RO, Bento I, Matias PM, Catarino T,
    Baptista AM, Soares CM, Carrondo MA, Turner DL, Xavier AV. J Biol Chem. 2001 Nov 23;276(47):44044-51.



  •  Crystal structure of cardosin A, a glycosylated and Arg-Gly-Asp-containing aspartic proteinase from the flowers of Cynara cardunculus L. Frazão C, Bento I, Costa J,
    Soares CM, Veríssimo P, Faro C, Pires E, Cooper J, Carrondo MA. J Biol Chem. 1999 Sep 24;274(39):27694-701.



  • Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic studies of the plant aspartic proteinase cardosin A. Bento I, Frazão C, Coelho R, Wilson K, Dauter Z, Carrondo MA. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. 1998 Sep 1;54(Pt 5):991-3.
  • Crystallisation, structure solution, and initial refinement of plant cardosin-A. Bento I, Coelho R, Frazão C, Costa J, Faro C, Veríssimo P, Pires E, Cooper J, Dauter Z, Wilson
    K, Carrondo MA. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1998;436:445-52.



  •  The glycosylation of the aspartic proteinases from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L.). Costa J, Ashford DA, Nimtz M, Bento I, Frazäo C,
    Esteves CL, Faro CJ, Kervinen J, Pires E, Veríssimo P, Wlodawer A, Carrondo MA. Eur J Biochem. 1997 Feb 1;243(3):695-700.


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