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Electricity saving measures

Already at ITQB

For a number of years, ITQB has been implementing measures to reduce energy consumption. See here a few examples of those actions:


  • Light bulbs

All general lighting uses energy efficient light bulbs.

  • Heating the main building

In cold weather periods, no energy is spent for heating the building. The heat generated by cooling the rooms that require lower temperatures is used for heating the rest of the building.

  • New equipment

When purchasing new equipment, energy efficiency is one of the criteria considered in the decision. A good example are the recently substituted motors for passenger elevators.

  • Variable Speed Systems

ITQB has recently installed a variable speed system to regulate elevators, water pumps, and compressed air pumps. A variable speed drive regulates the speed of the motor, and in turn the speed of the pump or fan, by controlling the energy that goes into the motor, rather than restricting the flow of a process running constantly at full speed. By matching the performance of the motor to the needs of the process, variable speed drives can give major savings in electricity.

  • General lighting

Lights in common areas, such as corridors, are switched off after 22h00.

  • Washing rooms for laboratory material

The autoclaves and washing machines for laboratory material operate only with full loads.

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