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Innovation Unit

About InnOValley

Establish in 2019, with the support of Oeiras Municipality,  InnOValley is the innovation unit that facilitates the transformation of knowledge generated at ITQB NOVA’s labs into viable economic products and services with a positive impact on the life of citizens.

We work with Researchers to identify, assess, protect, develop and commercialize research outputs, aiming to establish collaborations with companies, provision of services, licensing and spin-off creation, thus bridging the gap to the market. Our goal is to engage in partnerships that benefit research, innovation, and industrial competitiveness and ultimately improve the overall quality of life. We also aim to play a pivotal role in the development of Oeiras Innovation ecosystem applied to Life Sciences, while also promoting regional and national economic development.


InnOValley Proof-of-Concept Fund

Despite numerous technological breakthroughs that originate from laboratory research, a significant number of them fail to make it to the commercialization stage due to the lack of sufficient funds to support the initial activities required to bring these new technologies to the market. This results in a significant gap between research funding and the early-stage commercialization funding that is essential for turning laboratory research into marketable products and services. The InnOValley Proof-of-Concept flagship program is a pioneer Flagship Program in Portugal designed to bridge this gap, with a total annual budget of €200k for up to 4 projects of up to 50k each, for a 12-month implementation period.


Team InnOValley

Pedro Pedrosa – Head Of InnOValley | LinkedIn

Sara Baptista- Innovation Manager | LinkedIn


Address: ITQB NOVA | Av. da República | 2780-157 Oeiras | Portugal

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