

More information can be obtained in the web page of the Portuguese Biophysical Society.

Course location:

Convento de S. Francisco

Registration fees:

(Euro; includes the course dinner, October 9th)
    Regular    Student 
Non-members   140    90 
Members SPB*/SBE**   100    60 
Members SPBf***   75    50 
*Sociedade Portuguesa de Bioquímica +
**Sociedad de Biofísica de España
***Sociedade Portuguesa de Biofísica + (for all practical purposes, if you are a member of Seccão de Biofísica da Sociedade Portuguesa de Bioquímica, it means that you are a member of Sociedade Portuguesa de Biofísica. If you are a member of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Bioquímica, you can become a member of Sociedade Portuguesa de Biofísica at no additional cost)
+ You can register in the Society during the course. The amount to pay makes it advantageous to register in the societies.
The definition of "Student" includes researchers with a BI fellowship.

The registration is only considered after payment is received. After registring, please send a crossed cheque addressed to Sociedade Portuguesa de Biofisica . Send the cheque to the following address:

Andreia S Fernandes
Mitochondria Laboratory
Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular
Universidade do Porto
Rua do Campo Alegre, 823
4150-180 Porto
, Portugal

Alternatively, you can make a bank transfer to the following account:
Banco Espirito Santo - BES
Account 0350 1290 0004
NIB 0007 0035 00012900004 64
Please specify your name in the transfer and send us by email a scan or an electronic document with the elements of this transfer.

Due to the size of the conference room, the number of participants is limited.

A limited number of grants will be available
Please send an email to Manuela M. Pereira with a short CV

Online registration:

Important dates:

Hotel information:



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