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Q: What is interbio?
Briefly, the INTERBIO project is a EU initiative aimed at promoting of innovation and the setting up of long lasting cooperative networks in the technology field and it involves institutions within five nodes: Toulouse, Bordeaux, Barcelona, Valencia, Lisbon.

More details at

Q: What institutions/organizations belong to the interbio network?
UPS Toulouse, BIOCAT Barcelona, FIVEC Valencia, ITQB Lisboa and IECB Bordeaux.

Q: Do I need to be a member of the INTERBIO network to attend the symposium?
Yes. The course size will be limited due to its applied nature, so it will not be possible to extend it to non-members.

Q: Do I have to pay for the registration?

No, the Summer School will be free for INTERBIO participants.


Q: What expenses will be covered by the organization?

  • Accommodation at Praia Mar Hotel and meals, for the dates of 28th and 29th of September.
  • Registration fees.
  • Coffee and lunch for all days of the school, except for the 25th of September.


Q: Where could I stay? 
Hotels with special rates for participants:

Hotel Praia Mar 4*

Link to hotel
Link to google map
Single - 60 EUR, Double - 70 EUR (/night, breakfast incl.)
Contact: (mention ITQB-INTERBIO for special price in reservation)

Hotel Riviera Mar 4*
Link to hotel
Link to google map
Single - 75 EUR, Double - 85 EUR (/night, breakfast incl.)
Contact: (mention ITQB-INTERBIO for special price in reservation)

Please note that due to lack of room availability in Hotel Praia Mar for the days of 22- 25 of September, participants will have to arrange for accommodation in another Hotel.

Q: Can my local INTERBIO node support my travel/living expenses?
This should be possible but Interbio local contacts must be contacted about this possibility and to make the necessary arrangements:
Toulouse UPS Alain-Michel BOUDET
Barcelona BIOCAT Francesc GÒDIA
Bordeaux IECB IJsbrand KRAMER



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