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Practical information Poster information - Poster size A1 portrait (841 × 595)
- Poster’s list
Download PDF - Poster’s set-up
Please be sure to set up your poster on Wednesday morning, 28th of September. Each poster board will be numbered. Presenters should attach their posters to the board number corresponding to the number assigned to their poster (remember to check your poster number in the list above). - Poster Sessions
All posters will be on display during the whole 3-days symposium. Wednesday: 18h00-19h00 |odd numbered posters Thursday: 13h00 – 14h30 | even numbered posters Presenters must be at their poster during their session. Location Contacts - Hotels
Hotel Riviera Carcavelos Rua Bartolomeu Dias – Junqueiro, 2775-551 Carcavelos, PORTUGAL Tel: (+351) 214 586 600 | Fax: (351) 214 586 619 Hotel Praia Mar Rua do Gurué, 16, 2775-581 Carcavelos | Tel: (+351) 214 585 100 - Practical sessions
IGC Rua da Quinta Grande, 6, 2780-156 Oeiras, Portugal Tel: +351 21 4407900 Additional information on IGC´s location at: Google maps Restaurante Maria Pimenta Fábrica da Pólvora, 2730-036 Tel. 214 377 391 Google maps directions Transports - From the Airport to the Hotel
The best way to get to your hotel is to take a taxi. It should cost EUR 25-30. - From the Hotel to the practicals sessions (@IGC)
By taxi You can take a taxi to IGC. It should cost around EUR 6. By train You can take a train at Carcavelos railway station to the Lisbon direction (Cais do Sodré). Oeiras is just one stop ahead. ITQB is at a walking distance from Oeiras railway station (~15 min). - During the CCPN Conference (@ITQB)
- By bus
There will be buses to transport you to/from ITQB * The buses will be waiting in front of Hotel Praia Mar If you miss the bus you can take a taxi to ITQB. It should cost around EUR 6. - By train
You can take a train at Carcavelos railway station to the Lisbon direction (Cais do Sodré). Oeiras is just one stop ahead. ITQB is at a walking distance from Oeiras railway station (~15 min). - From the Hotel to the Meeting Dinner
- By bus
A bus will be waiting for you in front of Hotel Praia Mar to take you to the Meeting Dinner - By car
Follow directions from this link Buses Time Schedule* | | 28th September | | @ ITQB (to Hotel Praia Mar) | 19h15 | | | 29th September | | @ Hotel Praia Mar (to ITQB) | 8h30 | | @ ITQB (to Hotel Praia Mar) | 14h45 | | @ Hotel Praia Mar (to the Conference Dinner) | 19h30 | | @ Conference Dinner (to Hotel Praia Mar) | 23h30 | | | 30th September | | @ Hotel Praia Mar (to ITQB) | 8h30 | |
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