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- Main field
Mass spectrometry, proteomics, protein structural characterization
- Current research interests
Implementation and development of MS methodologies and its applications to the study of biological systems, in particular with biotechnology and biomedical applications. Development of protein characterization methods, namely in what concerns post-translational modifications and de novo sequencing of proteins, a relevant issue for the proteome characterization of non-sequenced species.
PhD and Post-doc orientation
- Research assistant R. Soares
- Research assistant P. Boross
- A. Campos “Proteomic analysis of chloroplast differentiation in Z mays L.”, 2005-2008
- R Santos “Characterization of sea urchins temporary adhesives by mass-spectrometry-based proteomics", 2006-2009
- R Gomes “Transthyretin Misfolding and Aggregation in vivo: Molecular and Cellular Clues for Amyloidogenesis”, 2008-2011
- R Soares “Development and validation of methods for the characterization and quantification of biopharmaceuticals by soft ionization mass spectrometry”, 2008-2009
- K Koci “Development and validation of methods for the characterization and quantification of peptides”, 2009-2011 and “Identification and characterization of bioactive peptides from starfish cell free coelomic fluid”, 2012
- I Marcelino “Identification of vaccine candidates against Ehrlichia ruminantium using high-throughput proteomic analysis:a complementary approach to genome-based strategies for an improved Heartwater vaccine development”, since 2010
- C Franco “ProteOMICS functional annotation of sea star tissues proteins during arm re-growth – Protein post-translational modifications (PTMs) dynamics in the regeneration events of echinoderms”, since 2012
G da Costa, project “Structural and functional characterization of Drosophila melanogaster kinetocore”, 2003-2008
E Lamy, collaboration project “Saliva role on the taste of phenolic compounds”, January 2004-2009
P Alves, collaboration project “Cystic Fibrosis by Proteomics: identification of molecular targets for therapeutic intervention”, October 2004-2009
S Mota, collaboration project “Study of the influence that the siRNAs have in the replication of the hepatitis delta virus and analysis of the genetic expression of infected cells”, December 2004-2009
D Toubarro, collaboration project “Estudo do processo infeccioso de um nemátode baseado numa abordagem de proteómica e genómica”, 2006-2010
C Franco, project “Proteomics based approach to understand tissue regeneration – sea star as a model organism”, since April 2007
M Mendes, project “Analysis of changes in the host cell proteome during hepatitis D virus infection”, since January 2008
N Couto, project “Study of the interaction between the multiresistent bacteria Staphylococcus pseudintermedius and its canine host in an ex-vivo cutaneous model”, since January 2011
1- R Santos, E Hennebert, AV Coelho, P Flammang Functional, Surfaces in Biology- Cap “The echinoderm tube foot and its involvement in temporary underwater adhesion”, Editor S Gorb, Springer, 2009, pp.9-41
2- Sales Baptista E, Lamy E, Mau M, Capela e Silva F, Coelho AV, Behavioral and Chemical Ecology – Cap “Variation in salivary protein composition related to feeding behavior and its ecological implications” NOVA Publishers, 2009, pp 115-136
3- A Campos, AM Almeida, AV Coelho. Mitochondria: Structure, Functions and Dysfunctions – Cap “Blue Native PAGE, basis of the technique and its use in organelle study: the mitochondrial complexome. Mitochondria: Structure, Functions and Dysfunctions”. Edited by O.L. Svensson, Nova Science, Haupagge, NY, USA (2011) pp.975-982. ISBN:978-1-61668-346-7
4- Soares R, Pires E, Almeida AM, Santos R, Gomes R, Koči K, Franco CF, Coelho AV. Tandem Mass Spectrometry of peptides. In: Applications of Tandem Mass Spectrometry- its Principles and Applications, 2012 Jeevan K. Prasain (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0141-3, InTech.
Available from:
5- Cunha C, Coelho AV (2012). Comparative proteome analysis of a human liver cell line stably transfected with Hepatitis D virus full-length cDNA. In Liver Proteomics: Methods in Molecular Biology; Djuro Josic and Douglas C. Hixxon Eds. Humana Press, Volume 909, 205-225, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-61779-959-4_14.
1- MAAFCT Carrondo; B de Castro; AM Coelho; D Domingues; C Freire; J Morais "Electrochemical and Structural Studies of Nickel(II) Complexes with N2O2 Schiff Base Ligands derived from 2-Hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde. Molecular Structure of N,N´-2,3-dimethylbutane-2,3-diyl-bis (2-hydroxy-1-naphthylideneiminate) nickel (II)" Inorganica Chimica Acta, (1993), 205, 157.
2- AV Coelho; PM Matias; LC Sieker; J Morais; MA Carrondo; JL; C Costa; JJG Moura; I Moura “Preliminary crystallographic analysis and further characterization of a dodecaheme cytochrome c from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774", Acta Crystallographica. (1996) D52, 1202-1208.
3-AV Coelho; PM Matias; MA Carrondo; P Tavares; JJG Moura; I Moura; V Fülöp; J Hajdu; J Le Gall “Preliminary crystallographic analysis of the oxidized form of a two mono-nuclear iron centres protein from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774", Protein Science (1996) 5, 1189-1191.
4- AV Coelho, P Matias, V Fülöp, A Thompson, A Gonzalez, MA Carrondo, “Desulfoferrodoxin structure determined by the MAD phasing and refinement to 1.9 Å resolution reveals a unique combination of a tetrahedral FeS4 centre with a square pyramidal FeSN4 centre", Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (1997) 2, 680-689.
5-PM Matias, J Morais, AV Coelho, R Meijers, A Gonzalez, AW Thompson, L Sieker, J LeGall , MA Carrondo “A preliminary analysis of the three dimensional structure of dimeric di-heme split-Soret cytochrome c from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 at 2.5 Å resolution using the MAD phasing method: a novel cytochrome fold with a stacked heme arrangement", Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (1997) 2, 507-514.
6-PM Matias, R Coelho, IAC Pereira, AV Coelho, AW Thompson, LC Sieker, J Le Gall, MA Carrondo “The primary and three dimensional structure of a nine-haem cytochrome c from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 reveal a new member of the Hmc family", Structure (1999) 7,119-130.
7-PM Matias, LM Saraiva, CM Soares, AV Coelho, J LeGall, MA Carrondo "Nine-haem cytochrome c from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774: primary sequence determination, crystallographic refinement at 1.8 Å and modelling studies of its interaction with the tetrahaem cytochrome c3", Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry (1999) 4, 478-494.
8-AV Coelho, S Macedo, PM Matias, AW Thompson, J LeGall, MA Carrondo “Structure determination of bacterioferritin from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans by the MAD method at the Fe K-edge” Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr., (2001), 57(Pt 2):326-9.
9- PM Matias, AV Coelho, FMA Valente, D Plácido, J LeGall, AV Xavier, IAC Pereira, MA Carrondo “Sulfate respiration in D vulgaris Hildenborough – Structure of the 16-heme cytochrome c HmcA at 2.5 Å resolution and view of its role in transmembrane electron transfer", J. Biol. Chem. (2002) 277,47907-47916.
10- IA Abreu, AI Lourenço, AV Xavier, J LeGall1, AV Coelho, PM Matias, DM Pinto, MA Carrondo, M Teixeira and LM Saraiva “A novel iron centre in the split-Soret cytochrome c from D desulfuricans ATCC 27774", J. Biol. Inorg. Chem. (2003), 8, 360-370
11- Palma AS, Morais VA, Coelho AV, Costa J “The effect of the manganese ion on human 3/4 fucosyltransferase III activity”, Biometals, (2004), 17, 35-43
12- IJ Correia, CM Paquete, A Coelho, CC Almeida, T Catarino, RO Louro, C Frazão, LM Saraiva, MA Carrondo, DL Turner, and AV Xavier “Proton-assisted Two-electron Transfer in Natural Variants of Tetraheme Cytochromes from Desulfomicrobium Sp.”, J. Biol. Chem., (2004); 279: 52227 – 52237
13- AP Rauter, A Martins, C Borges, J Ferreira, J Justino, M-R Bronze, AV Coelho, YH Choi, R Verpoorte “LC-DAD-ESI MS/NMR analyses of the anti-hyperglycemic flavonoid extract of Genista tenera. Structure elucidation of a flavonoid-8-C-glycoside”, J Chromatography A., (2005), 1089(1-2): 59-64
14-FMA Valente, A Sofia F Oliveira, N Gnadt, I Pacheco, AV Coelho, AV Xavier, M Teixeira, CM Soares and IAC Pereira "Hydrogenases in D vulgaris Hildenborough – Structural and physiologic characterization of the membrane-bound [NIFeSe] hydrogenase" J Biol Inorganic Chem, (2005), 10(6):667-82
15- Teixeira DM, Patao RF, Coelho AV, da Costa, CT “Comparison between sample disruption methods and solid-liquid extraction (SLE) to extract phenolic compounds from Ficus carica leaves” Journal of Chromatography A (2006) 1103 (1): 22-28
16-M Roxo-Rosa; G Costa; TM Luider; BJ Scholte; AV Coelho; MD Amaral; D Penque “Proteomic analysis of nasal cells from Cystic Fibrosis patients and non-CF control individuals: search for novel biomarkers of CF lung disease”, Proteomics (2006) 6: 2314-25
17-MN Bravo, S Silva, AV Coelho, L Vilas Boas, MR Bronze “Production of Muscatel wines: Analysis of phenolic compounds by HPLC-DAD-FD-ED and MS” Analytica Chimica Acta, (2006) 563, 84-92
18-Coroadinha AS, Silva AC, Pires E, Coelho A, Alves PM, Carrondo MJ “The effect of osmotic pressure on the production of retroviral vectors: enhancement in vector stability.” Biotechnology and Bioengineering, (2006) 94, 322-329
19-Miranda J, Nascimento E, Cruz H, Hong Y, A Coelho, Ahmed J, Oliva A “Identification and characterization of merozoite antigens of a Theilerianbsp; species highly pathogenic for small ruminants in China.” Ann NYAcad Sci (2006),1081:443-452
20-S. Silva, L Gomes, F. Leitão, A V Coelho, L. Vilas Boas, “Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity in Olea europaea L. fruits and leaves” Food Science and Technology International, (2006) 12, 385–396
21-F Li, R Delgado, A Coelho, MGB Drew and V Felix “New dioxadiaza-, trioxadiaza- and hexaaza-macrocycles containing dibenzofuran units” Tetrahedron (2006) 62, 8550–8558
22-R Gomes, H Vicente Miranda, M Sousa Silva, G Graça, A Coelho, A Ferreira, C Cordeiro, Ana Ponces Freire “Yeast protein glycation in vivo by methylglyoxal: Molecular modification of glycolytic enzymes and heat shock proteins” FEBS J. (2006);273(23):5273-87
23-Zhenjia C, Franco CF, Baptista RP, Cabral JMS, Coelho AV, Rodrigues CJ, Melo EP, “Purification and identification of cutinases from C kahawae and C gloesporioides” Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, (2007), 73(6):1306-13
24-FM Valente, PM Pereira, SS Venceslau, M Regalla, AV Coelho and IA Pereira “The [NiFeSe] hydrogenase from D vulgaris Hildenborough is a bacterial lipoprotein lacking a typical lipoprotein signal peptide” FEBS Letters (2007); 581(18):3341-4
25-Santos SC, Vala I, Miguel C, Barata JT, Garção P, Agostinho P, Mendes M, Coelho AV, Calado A, Oliveira CR, e Silva JM, Saldanha C “Expression and subcellular localization of a novel nuclear acetylcholinesterase protein” JBC (2007); 282(35):25597-603
26-Gomes RA, Miranda HV, Sousa Silva M, Graça G, Coelho AV, do Nascimento Ferreira AE, Cordeiro C, Freire AP “Protein glycation and methylglyoxal metabolism in yeast: finding peptide needles in protein haystacks” FEMS Yeast Res (2008); 8(1): 174-181
27-Caldeira AT; Feio SS, Arteiro JM, Coelho AV, Roseiro JC “Environmental dynamics of B amyloliquefaciens CCMI 1051 antifungal activity under different nitrogen patterns” J Appl Microbiol (2008)104 (3):808-816
28-G da Costa, E Lamy, F Capela e Silva, J Andersen, E Sales Baptista, AV Coelho “Effect of tannin enriched diet on the expression of mouse salivary proteins” J Chem Ecology (2008) 34(3):376-87
29-E Lamy, G da Costa , F Capela e Silva, J Potes, A V Coelho, E Sales Baptista “Comparasion of Electrophoretic Protein Profile from Sheep and Goat Parotid Saliva” J Chem Ecology (2008) 34(3):388-97
30-M Mendes, S Mota, D Penque, A Coelho, C Cunha “Changes in the proteome of Huh7 cells induced by transient expression of hepatitis D virus RNA and antigens” J proteomics (2008);71(1):71-9
31-MCM Mellado, C Franco, A Coelho, PM Alves, AL Simplício “SDS-capillary gel electrophoresis analysis of rotavirus-like particles” J Chromatography A, (2008); 1192 (1); 166-172
32-Gomes RA, Oliveira LM, Silva MC, Ascenso C, Quintas A, Costa G, Coelho AV, Sousa Silva M, Ferreira AE, Ponces Freire A, Cordeiro C “Protein glycation in vivo: Functional and structural effects on yeast enolase” Biochem J. (2008), 416(3):317-26
33- Bravo MN, Feliciano R, Silva S, Coelho AV, Boas LV, Bronze MR “Analysis trans-resveratrol: Comparison of Methods and Contents in Muscatel Fortified Wines from Setubal Region in Portugal”, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2008, 21(8), 634-643
34- Pereira L, Coelho AV, Viegas CA, dos Santos MMC, Robalo MP, Martins LO, Enzymatic Biotransformation of the Azo Dye “Sudan Orange G with Bacterial CotA-Laccase” Journal of Biotechnology (2009), 139(1):68-77
35-A M Almeida , S van Harten, A Campos, A V Coelho, L A Cardoso “The effect of weight loss on protein profiles of gastrocnemius muscle in rabbits: a study using 1D electrophoresis and Peptide Mass Fingerprinting”, J Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition (2009) 87(2):196-9
36-R Santos, G da Costa, C Franco, P Alves, P Flammang, AV Coelho “First insights into the biochemistry of tube foot adhesive from the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Echinoidea, Echinodermata)” Marine Biotechnology (2009), 11(6):686-98
37-S Mota, M Mendes, D Penque, N Freitas, AV Coelho, C Cunha “Proteome analysis of a human liver carcinoma cell line stably expressing hepatitis delta virus ribonucleoproteins” J Proteomics, (2009), 72(4):616-27
38- AM Almeida, A Campos, S van Harten, LA Cardoso, AV Coelho “Establishment of a proteomic reference map for the gastrocnemius muscle in the rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)” Research in Veterinary Science (2009) 87(2):196-9
39- Toubarro D; Lucena-Robles M; Nascimento G; Costa G; Montiel R; Coelho AV; Simões N “An apoptosis-inducing serine protease secreted by the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae” International Journal for Parasitology (2009) 39(12):1319-30
40- Marnoto Campos A; Costa G; Coelho A; Fevereiro P "Identification of bacterial protein markers and enolase as a plant response protein to infection of Olea europaea L. subsp. europaea by Pseudomonas savastanoi pv savastanoi" Eur J Plant Pathol (2009) 125(4), 603-616
41- Chaves I, Pinheiro C, Paiva JAP, Planchon S, Sergeant K, Renaut J, Graça JA, Costa G, Coelho AV, Ricardo CPP “Proteomic evaluation of wound-healing processes in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber tissue” Proteomics (2009) 9(17):4154-75.
42- Franco CF, Mellado MCM, Alves PM, Coelho AV “Monitoring virus-like particle and viral protein production by intact cell MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry” Talanta (2010) 80, 1561–1568
43- Lamy E, da Costa G, Santos R, Capela e Silva F, Potes J, Pereira A, Coelho AV, Sales Baptista E, “Sheep and goat saliva proteome analysis: A useful tool for ingestive behavior research?”, Physiology & Behavior (2009), 98(4):393-401
44- Gomes-Alves P, Neves S, Coelho AV, Penque D. “Low temperature restoring effect on F508del-CFTR misprocessing: A proteomic approach” J Proteomics (2009), 73(2):218-30
45- Pereira L, Coelho AV, Viegas CA, Ganachaud C, Iacazio G, Tron T, Robalo MP, Martins LO “On the Mechanism of Biotransformation of the Anthraquinonic Dye Acid Blue 62 by Laccases” Adv. Synth. Catal. (2009), 351, 1857 – 1865
46- A Campos, PK Carvajal-Vallejos, E Villalobos, CF Franco, AM Almeida, AV Coelho, JM Torne, M Santos “Characterisation of Zea mays L. plastidial transglutaminase: interactions with thylakoid membrane proteins” Plant Biology (2010), 12(5), 708 – 716
47- da Costa G, Gomes R, Correia CF, Freire A, Monteiro E, Martins A, Barroso E, Coelho AV, Outeiro TF, Ponces Freire A, Cordeiro C “Identification and quantitative analysis of human transthyretin variants in human serum by Fourier transform ion-cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry.” Amyloid (2009);16(4):201-7
48- Almeida AM, Campos A, Francisco R, van Harten S, Cardoso LA, Coelho AV “Proteomic investigation of the effects of weight loss in the gastrocnemius muscle of wild and NZW rabbits via 2D-electrophoresis and MALDI-TOF MS.” Anim Genet. (2010); 41(3):260-272
49- Perry MJ, Mendes E, Simplicio AL, Coelho, A, Soares RV, Iley J, Moreira R, Francisco AP “Dopamine- and tyramine-based derivatives of triazenes: Activation by tyrosinase and implications for prodrug design”, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, (2009), 44(8): 3228-3234
50-Matias A, Serra; Silva; Perdigão; Ferreira; Marcelino I; Silva S; Coelho A; Alves P; Duarte C “Portuguese winemaking residues as a potential source of natural anti-adenoviral agents” International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition (2010), 61(4):357-368
51- P Gomes-Alves; F Couto; C Pesquita; AV Coelho; D Penque “Rescue of F508del-CFTR by RXR-motif inactivation triggers proteome modulation associated with the unfolded protein response” BBA- Proteins and Proteomics (2010), 1804(4):856-865
52- S Silva, L Gomes, F Leitão, M Bronze, A V Coelho, L Vilas Boas “Secoiridoids in olive seed: characterization of nuzhenide and 11-methyl oleosides by liquid chromatography with diode array and mass spectrometry” Grasas y Aceites, (2010) 61 (2), 157-164
53- G da Costa, A Guerreiro, C F Correia, R J Gomes, A Freire, E Monteiro, E Barroso, A V Coelho, T F Outeiro, A Ponces Freire, C Cordeiro “A non-invasive method based on saliva to characterize TTR in FAP patients using FT-ICR high-resolution mass spectrometry“ Proteomics-Clinical Applications (2010) 4(6-7):674-678
54- E Lamy, G da Costa, R Santos, F Capela e Silva, J Potes, A Pereira, A V Coelho, E Sales Baptista “Effect of condensed tannin ingestion in sheep and goat parotid saliva proteome“ Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition (2011), 95 (3), 304-312
55-A P Batista, C Franco, M Mendes, A V Coelho, M M Pereira “Subunit composition of Rhodothermus marinus respiratory complex I” Anal Biochem (2010) 407, 104-110
56- D Toubarro, M Lucena-Robles, G Nascimento, R Santos, R Montiel, A V Coelho, N Simões “A serine protease secreted by the parasitic nematode Steinernema carpocapsae is involved in host invasion” Journal Biological Chemistry, (2010) 285(40): 30666-30675
57- A M M Antunes, A L A Godinho, I L Martins, M C Oliveira, R A Gomes, A V Coelho, F A Beland, M M Marques “Protein adducts as prospective biomarkers of nevirapine toxicity” Chemical Research in Toxicology, (2010) 23 (11):1714–1725
58- M Puerto, A M Campos, A Prieto, A Cameán, A Almeida, A Coelho, V Vasconcelos “Differential protein expression in two bivalve species, Mytilus galloprovincialis and Corbicula fluminea, exposed to Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii cells” Aquatic Toxicology, (2011) 101(1):109-116
59- E Lamy, G Graça, G da Costa, C Franco, F Capela e Silva, E Sales Baptista, A V Coelho “Changes in mice whole saliva soluble proteome induced by tannin-enriched diet” Proteome Science (2010) 8:65
60- E Lamy, ES Baptista, AV Coelho, F Capela e Silva Morphological alterations in salivary glands of mice (Mus musculus) submitted to tannin enriched diets: comparison with sialotrophic effects of sympathetic agonists stimulation, Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec (2010) 62 (4), 837-844
61- CF Franco; R Santos; AV Coelho Exploring the proteome of an echinoderm nervous system: 2DE of the sea star radial nerve cord and the synaptosomal membranes subproteome, Proteomics (2011) 11(7), 1359-1364
62- E Lamy, H Rawel, F J. Schweigert, F Capela e Silva, A Ferreira, A R Costa, C Antunes, A M Almeida, AV Coelho, E Sales Baptista The Effect of Tannins in Mediterranean Ruminant Ingestive Behavior: The Role of Oral Cavity, Molecules, (2011), 16: 2766-2784; (Review article to special issue: Tannins)
63- M Mau, A Martinho de Almeida, AV Coelho, K-H Sudekum First identification of tannin-binding proteins in saliva of Papio hamadryas using MS/MS mass spectrometry American Journal of Primatology (2011) 73(9):896-902
64- AM Almeida, JR Parreira, R Santos, AS Duque, R Francisco, DFA Tomé, CP Ricardo, AV Coelho, PS Fevereiro A proteomics study of the induction of somatic embryogenesis in Medicago truncatula using 2DE and MALDI-TOF/TOF, Physiologia Plantarum (2012), 146: 236-249
65- CF Franco, R Santos, AV Coelho Proteome characterization of sea star coelomocytes – the innate immune effector cells of echinoderms, Proteomics (2011) 11(17):3587-92
66- LMA Oliveira, A Lages, RA Gomes, H Neves, C Familia, AV Coelho; A Quintas, Insulin glycation by methylglyoxal results in native-like aggregation and inhibition of fibril formation, Biochemistry (2011)12:41
67- Ribeiro-Silva C, Gilberto S, Gomes RA, Mateus L, Monteiro E, Barroso E, Coelho AV, da Costa GA, Freire AP, Cordeiro C The relative amounts of plasma transthyretin forms in familial transthyretin amyloidosis: A quantitative analysis by Fourier transform ion-cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry Amyloid. (2011)18(4):191-9
68- da Costa G, RA, Guerreiro A, Mateus E, Monteiro E, Barroso E, Coelho AV, Freire AP, Cordeiro C Beyond Genetic Factors in Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy: Protein Glycation and the Loss of Fibrinogen's Chaperone Activity PLoS One. 2011;6(10):e24850
69- Caldeira, A T; Arteiro, J M S, Coelho, A V; Roseiro, J C Combined use of LC-ESI-MS and antifungal tests for rapid identification of bioactive lipopeptides produced by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens CCMI 1051, Process Biochemistry (2011) 46, 1738-1746
70- I Marcelino, A Martinho de Almeida, C Brito, DF Meyer, M Barreto, C Sheikboudou, CF Franco, D Martinez, T Lefrançois, N Vachiéry, MJT Carrondo, AV Coelho, PM Alves Proteomic analyses of Ehrlichia ruminantium highlight diferential expression of MAP1-family proteins in host endothelial cells, Veterinary Microbiology, (2012) 156(3-4), 305-14
71- I Marcelino, AM Almeida, M Ventosa, L Pruneau, DF Meyer, D Martinez, T Lefrançois, N Vachiéry, AV Coelho Tick-borne diseases in cattle: applications of Proteomics to develop new generation vaccines, J Proteomics, (2012) 75 (14): 4232-50 (Review article to special issue: Farm Animal Proteomics)
72- R Soares, C Franco, E Pires, M Ventosa, R Palhinhas, K Koci, AM Almeida, AV Coelho Mass Spectrometry and Animal Science: Protein identification strategies and particularities of farm animal species, J Proteomics, (2012) 75 (14): 4190-4296 (Review article to special issue: Farm Animal Proteomics)
73- AR Ribeiro, A Barbaglio, MJ Oliveira, R Santos, AV Coelho, CC Ribeiro, IC Wilkie, MD Candia Carnevali, MA Barbosa Correlations between the biochemistry and the mechanical states of the sea-urchin ligament: a mutable collagenous tissue. Biointerphases, (2012) 7, 38
74- Cal P; Vicente J; Pires E; Coelho A; Veiros L; Cordeiro C; Gois P Iminoboronates: A New Strategy for Reversible Protein Modification. Journal American Chemical Society (2012) 134 (24):10299-10305
75- A F Silva, G Carvalho, R Soares, A V Coelho, M T Barreto Crespo (2012) Step-by-step strategy for protein enrichment and proteome characterisation of extracellular polymeric substances in wastewater treatment systems Appl Microbiol Biotechnol (2012) 95:767–776
76- A Guerreiro, G da Costa, R A Gomes, C Ribeiro-Silva, S Gilberto, E Mateus, E Monteiro, E Barroso, A V Coelho, A Ponces Freire, C Cordeiro α-Synuclein aggregation in the saliva of familial transthyretin amyloidosis: a potential biomarker Amyloid, (2012) 19, (2), 74-80
77- T Rosado, P Bernardo, K Koci, AV Coelho, MP Robalo, LO Martins Methyl syringate: An efficient phenolic mediator for bacterial and fungal laccases Bioresource Technology 124 (2012) 371–378
78- CF Franco, R Soares, E Pires, R Santos, AV Coelho “Radial nerve cord protein phosphorylation dynamics during starfish arm tip wound healing events” Electrophoresis, 2012, 33, 3764–3778
79- LM Oliveira, RA Gomes, D Yang, SR Dennison, C Família, A Lages, AV Coelho, RM Murphy, DA Phoenix, A Quintas “Insights into the molecular mechanism of protein native-like aggregation upon glycation” Biochim Biophys Acta, 2012, doi:pii: S1570-9639(12)00271-3. 10.1016/j.
80- R Santos, A Barreto, C Franco, AV Coelho ”Mapping sea urchins tube feet proteome - A unique hydraulic mechano-sensory adhesive organ” J Proteomics, 2012, 79C, 100-113
81- A Campos, M Puerto, A Prieto, A Cameán, AM Almeida, AV Coelho, V Vasconcelos “Protein extraction and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of proteins in the marine mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis: an important tool for protein expression studies, food quality and safety assessment” J Sci Food Agric. 2012 Nov 1. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.5977
82- RA Gomes, C Franco, G Da Costa, S Planchon, J Renaut, RM Ribeiro, F Pinto, MS Silva, AV Coelho, AP Freire, C Cordeiro “The proteome response to amyloid protein expression in vivo” PLoS One, 2012, 7(11):e50123. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0050123
83- C Franco, R Soares, E Pires, K Koci, A Almeida, R Santos, AV Coelho “Understanding Regeneration Through Proteomics” Proteomics, 2013, 13(3-4), 686-709 (Review article)
84- N Rainha, K Koci, A V Coelho, E Lima, J Baptista, M Fernandes-Ferreira “HPLC-UV-ESI-MS analysis of phenolic compounds and antioxidant properties of Hypericum undulatum Schousb. ex. Willd in vitro shoot cultures” Phytochemistry, 2013, 86:83-91